Majerol Georgia

The most significant challenge for the company during the pandemic was to maintain its performance capacity, which would in its turn make it possible to guarantee the work places with the related salary fund. Majerol Georgia implemented a project aimed at creating safe working environment for the employees and maintaining their motivation. 

As a result of activities and procedures undertaken in the company, corona virus internal spread was prevented at a maximum degree and a safe environment was created for the personnel. 

During the pandemic the main challenge - maintenance of the safe environment for the employees – was achieved through taking regular prevention measures within the office areas. 

The company transferred the office employees to distant working mode at stages and was permanently trying remotely to increase their motivation. 

As a result of the activities undertaken by the company, all 1,200 employees were retained, with most of them switching to distant working. 

The company through its strategic decisions and steps taken created 700 extra working places. The employees were regularly tested which minimized infection spreading within the company; during 9 months there were only 87 infected individuals.