Hiro is an online platform for those searching employment, which effectively connects individuals looking for job with employers. During the pandemic the company implemented a project the purpose of which was to support companies as well as the humans left without jobs under the complicated circumstances present at the market.
The project started in March 2020 and is still ongoing.
In summer 2020 when the companies were facing financial difficulties, Hiro offered small and medium size companies a 3-months free service; over 300 companies benefited from this offer. The service included posting of the applications on website, their review in social media to ensure their availability to the job searchers. We offer a 3-month free service to all start-ups. It is not a one-time offer and extends over all newly registered companies.
For the employees who had suffered from the crisis a special base was established which combined individuals left without jobs due to Covid pandemic. The base was available for partner organizations, and as a result the job seekers found jobs and the employers – employees.
Over 300 companies and over 2,500 job seekers got involved in the project (they got registered in the base, created and generated CVs on Hiro’s website, attended training and got employed through our help).