PricewaterhouseCoopers Georgia LLC (PwC Georgia)

PwC Georgia, as the part of the global organization, prioritizes employee wellbeing as a core component of its business strategy and corporate culture. PwC’s global and regional initiatives are aimed at fostering employee engagement, promoting professional development, supporting work-life balance, ensuring safety, transparency, equality and providing comprehensive benefits. 

After conducting annual global anonymous survey, PwC Georgia recognized the need of a transparent and systematized recognition program to address the engagement and satisfaction index decline. PwC strategy centered on creating a comprehensive Reward & Recognition program aligned with PwC's Purpose, Values & Behaviors. Through open discussions and brainstorming sessions, PwC co-developed a program with the employees, ensuring all the voices were heard. 

The implementation process was executed with a strong emphasis on transparency and efficiency. Leveraging technologies and digital processes, PwC streamlined workflows and optimized resource allocation, ensuring a seamless experience for all involved. Electronic forms, a dedicated intranet page, and AI-driven automation were just a few of the tools utilized to enhance accessibility and user experience. 

Reward & Recognition program has delivered significant benefits contributing to improved employee engagement, satisfaction, and performance. Since the program’s commencement, over 100 recognition entries were filled monthly, and 50 awards were issued.  The program has a good reputation among the employees; in the coming years, PwC plans to further enhance it by introducing new recognition initiatives, expanding eligibility criteria, and exploring innovative ways to celebrate and reward employee contributions.