
Since 2021, the company has implemented the ESMS system which is mandatory for all company employees and contractor companies. 

In 2022, the company developed a strategy for water resources and energy.

A labor safety management plan for office employees was developed. The company has approved a complaints policy and procedure. 

Before starting a project, the area is assessed and all environmental risks are identified and then taken into account. During the implementation of a project, noise and dust monitoring is regularly carried out in order to reduce the expected high impact on the environment and people. Mitigating measures are developed if necessary. 

During the construction process, the company uses resources efficiently and tries to avoid pollution of underground and surface water. 

According to the Water Resources and Energy Strategy, all contracting companies are required to include energy and resource saving measures in submitted plans. In order to reduce the amount of waste, the contractor companies are obliged to purchase construction materials in the amount necessary for the construction process. 

The company’s labor safety plan ensures the prevention of existing and expected dangers, accidents and occupational diseases as much as possible. The protection of life, health, the functional abilities of both internal and other persons at the workplace and the optimization of working conditions and processes are also priorities. 

The company ensures a fair consideration of internal and external complaints and their confidentiality. A special link has been placed on the web page for sending complaints and special boxes have also been placed at construction sites for the same purpose.