
GEPRA actively promotes sustainable development goals and has selected several based on the company’s activity strategy. GEPRA is a member of the UN Global Compact and a signatory to the Principles for the Empowerment of Women (WEPs) which means fulfilling various commitments or engaging in different initiatives.

GEPRA supports human rights and equal treatment for all. The company creates safe working facilities for all employees and protects workers from workplace harassment. The team has created a complaint mechanism for employees in the case of abuses of human and labor rights. The company has annual training programs for all of their employees on gender equality issues, sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence through partnerships with civil society and other institutions.

GEPRA’s employment policy covers all aspects of employment relationships, including hiring and promotion, offering training opportunities and wage and salary administration.

The company ensures that its internal procedures support its anti-corruption commitment and it maintains a strict code of ethics in all business transactions.