Efes Georgia

Creating an equal, dignified and safe working environment, taking care of the motivation and development of employees and maintaining constant communication with them is a main priority for Efes Georgia. 

In order to assess the well-being of employees, the company conducts an anonymous survey every year. In order to improve results and eliminate identified problems, an action plan is developed and its implementation is monitored during the year. 

For each employee, the company offers an individual development plan and finances participation in trainings announced by both internal and other organizations. Educational resources are equally available to all employees. In 2022, 388 employees of Efes Georgia took part in organized training on 18 different topics. 

The company sponsors a full health insurance package for employees and reimburses the costs of meals and transportation during working hours. Every month, the company's products are given as gifts to employees. 

Every year, the company holds an ideas competition in which all employees can participate. As a result of the competition, many innovations were introduced and implemented which have contributed to the efficient operation of the factory or the office and have reduced costs. 

Efes Georgia pays attention to gender equality. Maternity leave is fully paid and the company encourages the work of women in management positions. 

A high level of employee well-being and engagement affects both the work environment and the company culture as well as the quality of work performance and the Efes Georgia’s reputation as a good employer. A high level of employee loyalty allows the company to retain experienced and competent personnel who remain with the company for a long time.