Due to the fact, that there is the age gap within the professionals in the energy sector, precisely, there is the deficit in replacing aged professionals with youngsters, the company decided to excite the curiosity of young generation towards the sector. The project was launched in 2015. Within the project, the company looked up and identified young professionals studying at vocational schools. As of today, a memorandum of cooperation has been signed with 13 vocational colleges. Students are undergoing practical work at the company's branches with the prospective full-time employment.

As a result of the project, overall awareness was raised among young people towards the energy sector. Students were attracted, trained and employed as a full-time staff. Awareness raising campaings were conducted at secondary schools. During the 2017-2018, 1800 students of upper classes have been trained and visited hydropower stations.

The project is long term and the main directions and aspects are constantly renewable.