Through the project, PepsiCo wants to significantly reduce the amount of water, energy, paper, consumables and non-processable wastes at its offices. The company also suggests that the implementation of the project will promote environmental awareness among employees and enhance corporate culture.

At the initial stage of the project, a special self-assessment tool assessed the “greenness” of PepsiCo offices. Based on the identified results, a number of activities have been planned for 2019-2020 such as: publication of Go Green quarterly reports and a monthly electronic bulletin of Green recommendations, conducting environmental campaigns,ending the use of disposable utensils and bags, bottled water, disposable food packaging and individual stationery; saving paper while printing,the automatic shutdown of equipment, the installation of diode lamps, touch taps and air-dryers as well as many others.

The company estimates that utility costs and waste will be reduced by 20-25% in one year of the project’s implementation.