TBC Bank

Environmental responsibility: TBC Bank's environmental management system is based on four main directions: internal environmental measures, environmental and social risk management during lending, sustainable financing and external communications. TBC has established a comprehensive internal environmental system that manages and reports GHG emissions and aims to reduce emissions through detailed monitoring of energy, water and paper consumption. The bank has also agreed on environmental policy and individual action plans with 19 subsidiaries.

TBC uses an energy-efficient approach and takes into account green recommendations in the process of construction and renovation of offices and branches. Energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems are used in the offices, and the auto park is equipped with electric and hybrid vehicles.

On April 22, 2023, in celebration of World Earth Day, together with Polivim, TBC started the process of collecting and recycling plastic waste. As part of the project, bins for plastic waste were placed at 46 locations, head office and branches. During 2023, 125 tons of paper were processed with the help of the partner company.

Responsibility towards employees: TBC cares about its employees, strives to create a system that can attract personnel, retain and develop a corporate culture that promotes employee happiness, engagement and company success.

Since 2022, the bank has introduced policies for the protection of employees from discrimination, violence and harassment, as well as health safety and environmental protection. Employees are provided with private medical insurance, and benefits are extended to families with multiple children. Maternity leave is fully compensated, and one-time financial assistance is granted upon marriage or the birth of a child. The bank has a scholarship fund that co-finances the best employees to study at the world's leading universities. Financing opportunities are open to any employee who has a long-term contract with the bank.

Within the framework of the employee professional development program, in 2023 more than 2,000 employees participated in various courses and programs of TBC Academy, including such programs as: business development, brand experience, financial analytics and refinement of necessary soft skills.

Responsibility in the market space: in order to gain the trust of customers and partners and to successfully conduct business, TBC ensures that business decisions comply with the highest standards of ethics. The bank extends a unique support program to its small and medium-sized business clients, consolidating various resources and components on the platform https://www.tbcbusiness.ge. TBC has been actively promoting financial education accessibility for several years now. Through its digital platforms, www.tbcbusiness.ge and www.strataperi.ge, the bank offers users access to diverse educational courses. The bank provides digital services and infrastructure for customers with disabilities. 91% of branches are adapted and provided with a ramp. In 2023, the complete adaptation of several branches for employees with disabilities was completed.

Community support: As a company with substantial social and economic influence, TBC actively contributes to the development of areas outlined by the country's public sector. The bank collaborates with the National Bank of Georgia and various government institutions in crucial areas such as financial education, job creation, investment attraction, and more. This collaboration underscores TBC's commitment to fostering sustainable growth and prosperity within the community.

TBC Bank actively supports the development of the new generation and education, the empowerment of women and communities, for which a number of projects were implemented with its funding: an international book festival was held in 2023, online technology courses for 10th and 11th graders were financed, with the support and sponsorship of TBC, the intellectual forum TEDxTbilisi 10th anniversary event was held in 2023, TBC was the unique sponsor of the social enterprise exhibition. On August 3, 2023, TBC created a charity account to help those affected by the natural disaster in Racha, from which 500,000 GEL was donated to the fund, and 200,000 GEL was collected with the participation of Georgian citizens, companies and organizations.

From the very first days of the war, TBC was actively involved in helping Ukrainians, for which it opened a charity account. In the last two years, the amount of money collected by individuals, organizations and TBC has increased to 2,000,000 GEL. At the local level, the TBC Ukraine Charity Fund has funded local organizations and various projects that help Ukrainian citizens who had to move to Georgia during the war.