Bank of Georgia

“A business cannot operate in isolation from its environment. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to take responsibility for the development of the society they serve. Our goal is to help people realize their full potential. Our team actively collaborates with all stakeholders to achieve the best results and bring greater benefits to society.” Archil Gachechiladze, Executive Director and CEO of Bank of Georgia

Environmental responsibility: The Bank of Georgia's environmental policy defines the goals, strategies, and activities the Bank implements to reduce its negative impact on the environment and promote a greener, more sustainable future. The bank's environmental policy is grounded in 12 key principles, including the integration of environmental factors, climate change mitigation, sustainable lending, environmental and social risk management, environmental inspection, operational emissions reduction, waste management, sustainable supply chain practices, stakeholder engagement, information disclosure and reporting, education and outreach, and continuous improvement.

In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, eco-friendly technologies are introduced in the bank, the car park is constantly updated, and some employees are given the opportunity to work remotely two days a week in order to reduce transportation. 

Great importance is attached to waste management, support of green business. Since 2012, the Bank has been recording and publishing information on greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption related to its operations. From 2022, the Bank of Georgia records the financed emissions related to the portfolio in order to be able to assess the impact on the climate and establish appropriate mitigation measures.

Various activities are conducted at the Bank of Georgia to foster a corporate culture of environmental awareness, including awareness-raising stickers, posters, computer backgrounds, and visual displays on office screens. Additionally, to promote responsible natural resource management, the bank utilizes green bags at its head office and several other locations to collect and process paper waste efficiently. Recycling paper significantly minimizes environmental harm by reducing the need to cut down trees, resulting in a 75% reduction in environmental damage.

Responsibility towards employees: the main motto of the bank is to help people realize their potential.

In order to evaluate employee satisfaction, the eNPS evaluation system has been implemented in the bank since 2019. The bank also uses a 360-degree evaluation system, enabling 5,303 employees to receive personalized feedback and evaluation as of 2023.

The bank administers the "Barrett survey," Survey for employees values, in order to determine exactly what they value most and what they want to develop in the future. Additionally, to enhance employees' skill sets, the bank operates an electronic training platform. Furthermore, a leaderator program has been implemented to foster youth employment across 31 designated programs.

Intellectual, sports, wellness, therapeutic, and entertainment activities, events for recognizing and rewarding best employee cooperation, volunteer participation, and pro bono activities, are organized annually at the bank. Ensuring a healthy and safe working environment is among the top priorities, for which an occupational safety and health management system has been implemented.

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Starting from 2021, leave for pregnancy and childbirth, previously available only to the mother, has become accessible to the father as well. This allows the father to utilize the days not taken by the mother. Employees are granted leave for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare for a total of 730 calendar days.

Responsibility in the market space: the Bank of Georgia made history by becoming the first bank in Georgia to list its shares on the London Stock Exchange back in 2006.

Upholding the highest standards of ethics and personal data protection is integral to the bank's operations. A customer-centric approach and ensuring customer protection are fundamental principles guiding its activities.

In fostering financial literacy among the younger generation, the bank sponsored the first International Economics Olympiad in Georgia, which attracted 2000 participants. Furthermore, the bank serves as the general supporter of the King's Financial Education Olympiad project. Additionally, over the years, the bank has provided funding to 18 social enterprises, amounting to up to 800,000 GEL, where disabled people were employed.

Community support: In 2022-2023, the Bank of Georgia spearheaded and funded projects aimed at providing tangible educational opportunities for over 120,000 youths, including schoolchildren, students, entrepreneurs, and consumers across the country. The following educational initiatives were implemented for the promotion of young people: scholarship programs (in Georgia and abroad), financial education, development-oriented projects, initiatives to promote future professions, promotion of STEM education, care for access to educational resources.

The bank created educational spaces and educational resources - ideateka. Existing and new educational resources - STEM School and STEM Olympiad - were also made available.

The Bank of Georgia issues scholarships both in Georgia and abroad and supports international educational projects. Within the framework of the scholarship, it has partnership relations with 15 accredited leading universities of Georgia and various foreign organizations.