Tegeta Holding

„Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of Tegeta's activities. Moreover, we consider caring for the well-being of society to be the whole essence of the holding. We are confident that through collective efforts, we can forge a sustainable business model for the company that benefits all stakeholders involved.“ Vakhtang Kacharava, Executive Director

Environmental Responsibility: Tegeta is the first Georgian company to have formulated a corporate sustainability strategy aligned with international standards, which was unveiled to the public in 2023. Tegeta Holding has developed an environmental and social risk assessment procedure - SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), wherein SMART goals are defined: measurable, achievable, realistic. Tegeta's environmental care approach is complex and coherent and it is united in 3 main directions: sustainable transport and construction solutions for zero emissions and sustainable use of natural resources, waste management and raising environmental awareness.

Tegeta Holding implemented environmental management systems according to the ISO 14001:2015 standard back in 2018. Since then, the company has been conducting annual audits to ensure compliance with environmental protection systems outlined in ISO 14001:2015.

Additionally, there exists a document within the company that monitors and verifies the alignment of Tegeta Holding's environmental initiatives with both legislation and the ISO standard. In managing risks, the company employs a control hierarchy approach, which focuses on preempting anticipated threats and substituting hazardous processes with safer alternatives. This hierarchy comprises engineering, administrative, and individual controls.

Given the activities of Tegeta Holding and its environmental footprint, a primary focus of the company's environmental policy is the mitigation of environmental pollution. To this end, in 2022, Tegeta established a subsidiary company called "Tegeta Green Planet," dedicated to the efficient management of specific automotive waste. In an effort to minimize its environmental impact, the holding imports eco-friendly transportation options, spearheads the establishment of a nationwide network of electric chargers, and integrates energy-efficient considerations into its construction projects, among other initiatives.

Tegeta facilitates the collection of used plastic and paper at its offices and service centers, subsequently delivering these materials to partner enterprises for recycling. Annually, Tegeta collects and disposes of over 40,000 pieces of plastic, while the collection of waste paper helps save up to 60 trees from being felled. In addition, Tegeta has undertaken various activities aimed at fostering environmental awareness. These include organizing cleanup activities, supporting green organizations, conducting information campaigns for employees, and hosting environmental competitions for young individuals, and others.

Responsibility towards employees: Tegeta recognizes that employees are its most important resource and aims to be a company where its employees feel safe, valued and happy. Employee welfare is one of the priority areas of the CSR strategy. Tegeta Holding constantly cares about improving the employee experience and offers them different types of benefits, such as standard corporate benefits, for example, health insurance with different conditions of financing by the company, as well as outstanding projects related to improving the employee experience. In the holding, maternity leave is paid for 4 months.

In order to educate and employ young people, the holding has a student internship program, which includes the opportunity to employ part-time students. In order to promote the personal development of employees, Tegeta cooperates with the international online learning platform Coursera, Through this partnership, employees have access to a wide range of courses free of charge.

Within the framework of the "Guest in Tegeta" project, a meeting for employees is held every month, where invited speakers share various types of information and help raise awareness and motivation. Employees are united around a wall of care.  “Wall of care" is a project that unites members of the holding around the idea of care.

Responsibilities in the Market Space: The company’s objective is to provide customers with the highest quality experience, encompassing both the purchasing process and after-sales service. The core values of the company include customer satisfaction, transparent business processes, and the safeguarding of personal data.

Tegeta collaborates with over 300 global brands and consistently integrates ethical and responsible practices into its selection process. Moreover, the company partnered with a social enterprise to facilitate responsible New Year purchases for more than 2500 partners, thereby contributing to women's empowerment through gift procurement.

As a leader in automobile brands, Tegeta fully embraces its responsibility by promoting electric cars and establishing comprehensive infrastructure throughout Georgia.

Community Support: Strengthening and supporting the local community are identified as key strategic pillars within Tegeta's CSR strategy. A pivotal mechanism for engaging with public organizations is the donation platform "tegeta.care," established by Tegeta, which provides support to over 50 partner charitable foundations, social enterprises and community initiatives. In addition to the ways of crowdfunding, Tegeta individually implemented more than 20 activities with these organizations.

Throughout 2023, Tegeta participated in three pro bono projects. Moreover, in October of the same year, "Tegeta Green Planet" served as the gold sponsor of a B2B exhibition aimed at fostering partnerships between social enterprises and the business sector. The exhibition sought to introduce responsible procurement practices and promote greater social and environmental impact.