
Adolescents in state care and young people transitioning out of the care system are particularly vulnerable and require specialized care and support. Upon reaching the age of 18 and leaving the system, they encounter challenges related to housing, employment, career decisions, and food security. In Georgia, there are very few organizations dedicated to working with these target groups and addressing their needs.

In order to address these challenges and facilitate the integration of young people into society, in 2023, the collaboration between "Zgapari" and the "Chance of Life" association was established.

As the "Zgapari" company familiarized itself with the program, it identified that one of the challenges faced by the "Chance of Life" association was to provide program beneficiaries with food and hygiene products, as well as to acquire the necessary raw materials for the cooking and confectionery training course.

With the active support of the General Director of "Zgapari”, a memorandum of cooperation was signed. Within this framework, "Zgapari" supplies the association with food and hygiene products amounting to 2000 GEL per month. This ensures stability for the cooking and pastry training courses, as they now have a steady supply of materials.

In cooperation with "Zgapari” company, a safe environment has been established for 30 young people. It is crucial that these individuals, who spend their entire day in the program, receive hot, nutritious, and healthy meals as they learn cooking and pastry skills and develop the necessary abilities for independent living. 

As a result of this collaboration: 

  • The number of beneficiaries interested in the program increased from 20 to 30.
  • 14 young people are now involved in cooking and confectionery training.
  • The association introduced a bread baking course, enabling participants to bake bread on-site.
  • Several young people were successfully employed at various facilities.