Hilton Batumi

Hilton Batumi is a company with high social responsibility, which represents a hotel managed by Hilton Global. Supporting people with special needs, providing opportunities for social integration and a dignified life is one of the important parts of the company's ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) mission, which involves offering opportunity mechanisms for various social groups and promoting career development.

In the competition we do not represent the product, but the approach of the company, such as employment at Hilton and offering equal opportunities to representatives of any social class.

In 2023, in the direction of strengthening the society, in particular, the employment of people with special needs and the promotion of the "generation supporting inclusive education" the following projects were implemented:

  • With the financial support of the European Union and the cooperation of the United Nations Association of Georgia, as well as the Open Society Foundation of Georgia, within the framework of the current project Using Networks and Platforms for the Development of Knowledge and Skills (LINKS), in cooperation with the House of Free Journalists, the hotel offered an internship to one of the participants of the LINKS project, who was employed at the hotel after the project was completed and is still an active member of the team. For him, as well as for other disabled employees employed in the hotel, a special working environment adapted to them has been created.
  • In the village of Adjara, funding was provided for the production of the film "Beyond the Horizon" by students from Dologni Public School. This film aims to raise public awareness about the right to education for children with disabilities, highlighting both the challenges they face and the success stories of their families. As a result of this project, the hotel received the "School Supporting Business" award in 2023.

Hilton Batumi is committed to addressing societal issues such as employment, professional development, creating an inclusive environment, promoting youth initiatives, and supporting schools and students. The hotel also provides funding for the development of individuals with social status. Through its dedication to these social projects and numerous other initiatives focused on environmental care, Hilton earned the title of the best workplace in the world in 2023. Hilton Batumi continues to uphold this esteemed status until May 2023-2024.

14 employees with special needs, along with hundreds of interns and students engaged in dual vocational education, exemplify the impact Hilton can make and the potential for further contributions through community support.

"Responsible business isn't just a phrase; it's a strategic imperative. We adhere to EU principles because we believe it's the right thing to do. Environmental, social, and governance considerations are integral to our daily operations, not only because it's our ethical duty but also because it fosters the development of innovative, trustworthy, and meaningful business values" - Patrick Naughter, General Manager.