
The company Clip-art is currently one of the largest MEDIA HUBs in the local market, within which the company has relevant media purchasing and placement resources. For the last 9 years, the company has been supporting the promotion of CSR projects of companies operating in the private sector, which is manifested in the direction of free online media coverage or lobbying communication with media representatives.

Clip-art has consistently prioritized education since its inception. One of its notable initiatives, the "Book Club" project, was established in 2018 and continues to receive financial and other forms of support from the company. The "Book Club" serves as both a communal workspace and an intellectual hub, situated in the village of Chochkhati in the Lanchkhuti district. This project revitalizes the old library, transforming it into a vibrant center for learning and cultural exchange within the community.

The creation of the club aims to guarantee ongoing access to education and contemporary information for the local population, with a special focus on the youth. Currently, the club has over 80 active members spanning various age groups, predominantly students ranging from grades 6 to 12.

The book club has become an important gathering space for the local community, where young people give and receive knowledge around various interesting topics every day. The book club is currently an important gathering and information sharing place not only for the youth of Chochkhati, but also for the youth of several neighboring villages, as there is no alternative space of this kind in the neighboring villages.

The Clip-art company has been implementing the project for 6 years, during this time the continuity of the project was caused by the feedback received from young people about how big  role the book club plays in their everyday life and in the process of getting an education.

The agency remains committed to the Clipart project, with its main focus for the 2024 action plan being the organization of a "book festival" in Guria during both the fall and spring seasons. Preparations for these festivals have already started.