8000 Vintages

Georgian wine has an 8,000-year-old tradition, yet it is only in recent years that high-quality bottled Georgian wine has gained popularity. The company's goal was to change the perceptions of both producers and consumers and to raise awareness of Georgian wine among both groups.

The goal is to motivate Georgian entrepreneurs to increase production, improve product quality, and expand availability. Until 2023, "8000 Vintages" wine bar-shops operated only in Tbilisi, with primary suppliers from Kakheti and Kartli. As Georgian wine gained popularity, consumer demand for different varieties and flavors grew, attracting the interest of Western winemakers and their involvement in commercial wine production. Optimal locations were chosen for the first branches in Western Georgia and abroad.

"8000 Vintages" opened a branch in Batumi to better assess the prospects of wine production for winemakers in Western Georgia. At the same time, a warehouse was established in Tbilisi, greatly assisting entrepreneurs in Eastern Georgia who are unable to manage transportation themselves.

The company opened its first branch in Berlin, assisting small companies in exporting their products. This has provided them with a guaranteed sales point in the European market.

As a result of opening the Batumi branch, by the end of 2023, the share of Western manufacturers has reached 30% to 40%. Consumer demand for varieties of western origin has increased. In January 2024, 216 producers and 674 types of wine were sold. Even more Georgian entrepreneurs opened their way to the European market. Today, the wine of 150 Georgian winemakers is sent to Berlin.

The company employs the secret tasting rule to ensure integrity in its market activities when selecting its assortment. To further educational efforts, the company hosts a festival for graduate students of wine-viticulture at the Agriculture University of Georgia, showcasing their coursework and inviting potential employers.

"8000 Vintages" is actively working on adding new branches outside the borders by 2024. Maintaining honesty with both customers and suppliers is paramount for the company, alongside fostering employee career growth through various internal events.

Everything the company has achieved and its future plans resonate with its mission to share the love for high-quality Georgian wine and make it accessible to all.