Basis Bank

In 2022, as a result of joining the VTB Bank team, the number of Basisbank employees doubled to 1,000. Combining professionals from two competitive companies with different organizational cultures into one team was a big challenge; That is why taking care of employees' satisfaction and providing them with the best working environment has been designated as the strategic task of Basisbank for 2023. 

With the joint efforts of the bank's internal communications department and the HR business partner, the project "BB unity" was developed, which aimed to increase the involvement and motivation of employees, as well as to strengthen team spirit and loyalty. 

The employee engagement campaigns implemented within the project included participation in thematic seminars, competitions, meetings, and master classes; competing in internal and external sports championships; attending theatrical productions; involvement in charity initiatives; and celebrating anniversaries and holidays. To ensure transparency and awareness, a scheme of regular information meetings at different levels was created and implemented. To introduce and recognize employees, personal motivational meetings with the bank's top management, ceremonial celebrations of successful projects, sharing of video stories of people working in the bank, and awarding successful and seasoned employees, among other initiatives, were organized. 

As a result of the project, the level of employee satisfaction improved, their productivity and loyalty to the company increased. Compared to the previous year, the rate of employee turnover decreased by 7%. The project contributes to the creation of a safe, equal, and inclusive work environment in Basisbank, prioritizing the needs of employees and making teamwork enjoyable.

In the future, based on the feedback received from employees, there are plans to update and expand the project. 

Basisbank constantly cares about the welfare of its employees and, in addition to the project activities listed above, offers a number of other encouraging initiatives and benefits. These include fully funded medical insurance, 6-month paid maternity leave, tuition funding, hybrid working arrangements, rewards for senior employees, and much more.