
Several years ago, Georgia's software testing domain faced significant challenges, including deficiencies in training, funding, and a lack of recognition for the crucial role of software testing in delivering operational software. Hence, Exactpro’s primary focus has been to establish lifelong educational opportunities that bridge gaps and cultivate talent in the field of software testing. 

To enhance employees' professional knowledge and boost their chances for success in the official ISTQB exam, Exactpro established the ISTQB CTFL training course (ongoing), intended to benefit both company employees and any individual seeking to enhance their skills. In addition, Exactpro conducted a range of other employee development initiatives in 2023, including the Python & Recharge your Python courses, Friday StandUp, Exactpro University (ongoing), ISTQB Certified AI Testing Video Series, and more. Currently there are 112 ISTQB certified employees at Exactpro, and up to 130 employees who successfully completed Python proficiency courses.

Exactpro fosters a culture where employees feel valued, heard, and appreciated, and  permanently strives to improve leadership skills and the growth mindset of its team. "ManyWays2Care" project launched in 2023 highlights healthy habits for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing; Exactpro Hiking Club offers to explore diverse locations in Georgia and reconnect with nature. In #ExactproPeople publications, employees share personal stories and insights, highlighting the benefits and growth opportunities they've embraced since becoming the Exactpro team members.

Approximately 39% of company employees are women. Exactpro pays men and women equally for equal work.