Since its inception, Funduki has been committed to producing high-quality, eco-friendly products, addressing a gap in Georgia's market for sustainable design. Starting with furniture crafted without screws or nails and expanding into designer clothing with a focus on sustainability and zero-waste designs, Funduki has evolved to set new standards in green manufacturing.

In 2023, Funduki further optimized their production to minimize garment waste, preserve traditional techniques, and repurpose textile remnants, all contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to design.

The core principles of durability, distinctiveness, local production, and multifunctionality guide every aspect of their work. Customers are particularly intrigued by the innovative stitching and comfort of Funduki designs, while the durability of the clothes often leads to repeat purchases.  Funduki has elevated its green design efforts by incorporating upcycled materials into the production process.

Their efforts have resulted in the conservation of over 500 meters of fabric, production of more than 1,500 fashion items, 100 pieces of furniture; preservation of the ancient knitting technique and a partnership with businesses for utilizing leftovers in future productions.

Through communication via social media and educational campaigns, Funduki is actively shaping consumer perceptions towards sustainable design. Their emphasis on supporting local green practices over cheaper alternatives is a key message delivered to both consumers and corporate clients.

Funduki's approach is rooted in a deep commitment to sustainability and innovation. By producing durable, multifunctional, and locally-made products, and by continuously educating and engaging consumers and businesses, Funduki aims to set a new standard for green design in Georgia and makes significant steps in reducing environmental impact and promoting a greener future.