European school

In the summer of 2023, both in Georgia and worldwide, particularly destructive natural events caused by climate change made every citizen think again and take active action.

Caring for the environment, considered one aspect of global citizenship, is declared within the objectives of the strategic plan of the European school and is a prioritized activity for the institution. That is why the school decided to declare the 2023-2024 academic year as the "green" year of sustainable development. The main goal of the project was to raise the awareness of the school community (students, teachers, parents) in terms of environmental protection and subsequently reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

All information channels and resources of the school were employed for the effective communication of the mentioned initiative. Within the framework of the project, a number of competitions and campaigns were held, the purpose of which was to raise awareness and promote the development of "green thinking".

Within the framework of the project, a "zero waste campaign" was implemented, resulting in the collection of up to 300 kg of plastic waste. Plastic waste collection boxes were installed, and students participated in greening actions while also utilizing bio-products for the growth and development of plants, save electricity, An exhibition of New Year's decorations made from waste was organized, alongside a charity event where the collected funds were transferred to the Shovi Disaster Relief Fund.

The Green Year project is ongoing, with many exciting events planned for spring, not only to celebrate Earth Day but also on other occasions, ensuring that the school community consistently maintains a sense of responsibility for environmental sustainability. The school aims to become a member of the International Association of Green Schools, aligning school life and processes with even higher standards of social responsibility.