Greenway Georgia

The technical inspection reform inherently encompasses environmental care. One of the leading companies in the field of technical inspection, constantly cares for the introduction and promotion of eco-friendly products and procedures.

Each year, approximately half a million sheets of inspection paper were distributed to Greenway branches.

The "Paper Free Project" stands as another innovative and eco-friendly initiative from Greenway. Which serves the idea of "disappearing" the technical inspection paper and replacing it with an SMS document, aiming to minimize paper usage and thereby lessen the environmental impact.

The project started on June 20, 2023 and continues to this day. Through collaboration with the creative agency "Maverick," the introduction and promotion of the paper free initiative were easy, fun, and customers soon got used to the fact that the Greenway SMS is indeed a proof of passing the technical inspection.

With this change alone, approximately half a million sheets of paper were avoided being printed per year. As of today, paper consumption in the company's service centers has been reduced by 74%, with plans to increase this figure to 85% in the coming years.

Another advantage of this project is that from an operational, logistical and environmental point of view, the work process has become much more cost-effective (elimination of printer, paper and cartridge supply/service costs, therefore – significantly reduced consumption of paper and petroleum products).

All of Greenway's initiatives serve two primary values: customer comfort and environmental care. Consequently, the company actively participates in events aimed at environmental protection, such as "Car Free Day," "Green Consumer Day," "World Cleaning Day," and others.