Along with the growth of the world's population and the development of the economy, the demand for energy is continuously increasing. Considering the economic and ecological situation of our country, the search for renewable energy sources and their full utilization is of vital importance. "Green energy" is one of the first companies in Georgia, which started designing and constructing solar power plants in 2017.

In 2023, the company launched the educational project "The Future is in Renewable Energy", which aims to raise awareness of the population about renewable energy and energy efficiency.   At the initial stage, the target group was selected - large and medium-sized enterprises that consume a large amount of electrical energy. At the first meeting, which took place on June 26, 2023, the representatives of "Green energy" explained in detail to the heads of the companies what economic and ecological benefits the use of renewable energy would bring them, what stages the enterprise should go through to achieve energy independence and energy efficiency.

The second segment is the future generation: Pupils and students. Representatives of "Green energy" have created an environment that promotes the assimilation of new information and fosters the interest of young people.  Informational meetings with pupils and students are systematic and will continue in the future.

As a result of the project, three large enterprises have begun using solar energy. Increasing numbers of young people are becoming informed about the importance of utilizing renewable energy, the operational principles of solar panels, and their benefits

The company "Green energy" continues to care for the environment and promote energy efficiency. In 2023, as a result of eco-friendly steps taken by the company, the generation of 1928 tons of CO2 was avoided.