Tegeta Holding

For Tegeta Holding, one of the priority areas of its corporate social responsibility is the educational field.

The company, in cooperation with Netgazeti and the Embassy of Japan, is involved in an original project to further access to education. With the help of BOOKMOBILE, the first traveling library in Georgia, the project is trying to fill the shelves of empty libraries in the mountainous villages of Adjara. Adolescents living in the highlands do not have access to the internet and so providing further access to education and books is important for their development.

The goal of the Traveling Library project is to involve as many young people as possible in the process of popularizing reading and making their everyday life more interesting and diverse.

The Traveling Library truck was created with the cooperation of Tegeta Truck & Bus and the company’s German partners. The project also organizes  meetings with various famous people. Other meetings are also held featuring discussions of various literary works related to women's empowerment and gender equality.

The project started in 2022 and has covered about 30 villages, 11 schools and 18 village libraries already. With the involvement of Tegeta Holding, the traveling library has visited five villages and reached 200 readers.