
The Wounded Fighters Support Fund is a charity established by JSC Silknet in 2018.

The goal of the project is to provide for the physical and mental health of wounded veterans and servicemen and provide them with a dignified life.

Beneficiaries of the project are those participating in various combat operations and international peacekeeping missions to defend the territorial integrity of Georgia.

Silknet allocates GEL 300,000 annually to finance this project. Additional resources are mobilized through donations from businesspersons living in Georgia and abroad, the Government of Georgia, international organizations and representatives of various spheres of society.

From 2018 until today, the fund has collected a total of GEL 2,300,000, thus financing the needs of 300 beneficiaries and their children. The Fund also finances urgent medical operations in Georgia and abroad where beneficiaries receive necessary medical services and medicines. Further, the fund finances various training courses for the professional training of beneficiaries as well as ensuring living spaces are adapted for wheelchair users, among others. In 2022, the fund, together with the Defense Cooperation Service of the US Embassy, donated medical equipment utilizing the latest technologies to the Clinical Hospital of War Veterans.