Formula (ID 405345666)

Formula is a private commercial television channel whose main purpose is to provide continuous information to the population. Along with this main activity, the company constantly tries to participate in as well as implement various social activities. According to the management of the company, the biggest challenge in Georgia today is access to education with this problem being even more urgent in the regions.

The Tsalenjikha district was selected as the target location of the project. The main target group of the project was to be young people and– with a view to promoting their physical development and encouraging a healthy lifestyle in addition to increasing their access to education. Several activities were planned with the involvement of the management of the TV company, the population of the municipality and the local government:

  1. During the rehabilitation of the historical chess palace in Tsalenjikha, both the original appearance was preserved and new functions were added which meant equipping the chess palace with computer equipment, internet and books which made the palace a multifunctional space. After chess lessons, students will have the opportunity to read literature, prepare their school lessons and use the computer.
  2. The priority was to implement the project in the city of Jvari which is quite far from the center of the municipality. The restoration/construction of a football stadium in the city was carried out: tribunes were replaced, the administrative building, the rest wing and the showers were fully renovated and heating/cooling and hot water systems were installed. The demand for using the football school in Jvari has tripled and children from neighboring villages, and in some cases from Tsalenjikha, go there for training. A total of 125 children train regularly at the stadium where young people already have the opportunity to do sports and physical activities in their free time.

3. On the initiative of the municipality's leadership, the existing publication of previously unknown manuscripts and sketches of the poet has been preserved in the Graneli Museum. With the support of Formula, 1,500 copies of the book were published of which 900 were given as a gift to the municipality and 600 copies were sent to partners as a gift from the company.