East Point

According to the research carried out by the company in 2020, there was not a single electric battery drop-off point in Georgia that would allow citizens to dispose of used and expired batteries and prevent them from entering the natural environment. For this reason, the company launched an awareness raising campaign that aims to inform people and encourage them to develop environmentally friendly habits.

Since 2020, the company has placed an electric battery collection point in the central building of East Point as a part of the project. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the care of the environment with minimal effort, thereby enabling citizens to understand the harmful effects of everyday items on the environment and promote their safe recycling.

In 2022, East Point, together with the GCL company, was able to collect up to 300 kg of used electric batteries and send them for safe recycling.

This activity has become a permanent practice at East Point and the drop-off point continues to operate following this principle. The company believes that caring for the environment has a "butterfly effect" where seemingly small acts can have significant long-term advantages for the environment and, thus, for humans.