The project was preceded by informational meetings with the lead NGO and the preparation of a working environment for the new employees. This was followed by meeting with job seekers and outlining their interests and capabilities. Selected candidates were employed in the company after completing internships. At present, six people with disabilities are employed at Wendy's and Dunkin' Donuts.

Several years ago, it was practically impossible to employ people with disabilities in restaurants. The project has created a successful case which has become an example for other companies. The inclusive environment has had a positive impact on the team's motivation. Today, the company throughout the Wissol Group is working on the creation of a unified policy for the integration and engagement of disabled persons in the workplace.

„Ensuring equal and unlimited opportunities in the workplace was and is important for our companies. It is our obligation to support and ensure a working environment that enables our employees to apply their abilities and, more importantly, continue their professional and personal growth“.

Giorgi Mshvildadze
Wendy's - Director
Dunkin' Donuts – General Director