To deal with this problem, a media laboratory was established in September 2018. The media lab is a school of practical training and its targets are media outlets that are in a constant search for a qualified workforce and young people who want to pursue a career in the sphere of journalism.

Every week, successful journalists and other media specialists delivered lectures to senior students of faculty of journalism and beginning journalists in order to bring their qualifications in line with modern requirements. A properly equipped working environment was created for the attendees of the media lab while Clipart allocates information spaces for them to conduct their activities of practical work. Students go out daily to cover various events, perform live broadcasts and produce multimedia products.

So far, the media lab has trained 20 journalists; six of them have already obtained jobs in the Clipart newsroom while other successful attendees have been recommended to various other media outlets. All graduates of the media lab have a real chance for further employment as the data and assessments of the young journalists will be entered into a common database accessible to media managers.