Since 2017, DIO has been engaged in in the Vocational Education and Partnership Project in South Caucasus, a dual training program, which it implements in tandem with the Employers Association of Georgia. The project aims at reducing unemployment by helping young specialists build capacity and develop practical and applicable skills. The project also gives DIO an opportunity to attract new qualified people to the workforce.

Within the scope of the dual training program, DIO cooperates with various vocational education institutions and then work together to plan study programs tailored to specific jobs. The theoretical part of the program is ensured by an educational institution while the practical training is conducted at DIO. So far, memoranda of understanding have been signed with six educational institutions.

As many as 80% of the project’s participants have been employed by DIO which increased the number of the company’s staff from 130 to 178. Young people were given an opportunity to master a job not only through theoretical knowledge by also by acquiring practical skills.