In 2012, the bank introduced a waste management system to carry out the following activities:

  • Conclude agreements with waste recycling companies that regularly remove recyclable waste, recycle and reprocess it.
  • Responsibilities to reduce and recycle waste were redistributed among structural units of the Bank. The waste is registered/recorded by means of special program IEMS.
  • Increase employee awareness in waste management. In 2019, 242 employees of the bank received respective training.

The bank shared its experience in waste management with other entrepreneurs and stakeholders.

 In 2018 and the first half of 2019 the bank recycled:

  • 12,096 kg paper
  • 305 kg plastics
  • 1757 kg glass and aluminum cans
  • 47 car tires
  • 504 kg natural
  • 5 kg small size AA, AAA batteries
  • 5,244 kg UPC batteries