TBC Bank

Since 2019, with the growth of the business and expansion into different markets and segments, TBC has begun publishing an annual report on sustainable development. The report provides all stakeholders with clear, fact-based information on the social, economic, and environmental impact of TBC's activities. 

The first sustainability report was prepared with assistance from an external consultant. Starting from 2020, the ESG department and other relevant departments, depending on thematic requirements, are responsible for the preparation of the report. The report is approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board prior to its publication. 

The sustainability report includes information on the company's values and corporate culture, various initiatives, employees and partners, customer relations, and contributions to the country's sustainable development.   The company ensures that the language used in the report does not contain stereotypes or discrimination; Affirmative visual material has been selected to complement the report, particularly in relation to diversity, gender and environmental issues. Each chapter of the report is accompanied by a thoughtfully and carefully selected themed photo.   The report is prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and contains information on the progress made towards the UN Global Compact 10 principles and the UN Principles for the Empowerment of Women. 

Both English and Georgian versions of the report are available on the TBC website. 

Each year, an event is held to present the Sustainability Report, hosted by the CEO of TBC Bank. These events usually center around a single main theme, with the 2022 theme being "Sustainable Business Models and Practices in Georgia". Approximately 120 guests were invited to the report presentation, including bank employees, customers, local and international partners, representatives from international financial institutions, government organizations, and TBC management. The event received coverage from 40 television and online media outlets. 

Every year, TBC expands its activities and initiatives to further increase its positive impact on the environment and society.