
The "Nikora JSC Education Supporter" project is focusing on two main directions: supporting students at the Faculty of Food Technology and implementing an aid program for schools located in mountainous regions.

JSC “Nikora” is the leader in the production of food products in the country and tries to promote the development of the field, popularization of the profession of food technology, formation of technologists as professionals.

Gastronomic culture in Georgia is at a very high level, but despite this, the country suffers from a severe shortage of professional technologists. The best way to solve this issue was to support the students of the Faculty of Food Technology, to increase their motivation.

Within the framework of the memorandum signed between JSC "Nikora" and Agraricultural University of Georgia, every year 4 excellent students of the food technology program become scholarship holders of JSC "Nikora". The project also envisages student internships, practice, technology lecture courses in enterprises. In addition to theoretical knowledge, acquiring practical skills in the company's enterprises and familiarization with the stages of production of products on site gives students the opportunity to have important practical skills along with theoretical knowledge at the end of their studies.

The second direction of the project is the aid program for schools in mountainous regions, which is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and it’s goal is to promote access to modern technologies and literature for young people living in the regions, so that their level of education does not lag behind the education of students living in the city.

JSC "Nikora", with the help of the Ministry of Education, compiles a list of schools that require certain technical assistance. Computers, library, school supplies for students from first to eighth grade are purchased and transferred to selected schools. In 2023, technical assistance was provided to schools in the villages of Khulo, Tsalka, Mestia, Chiatura, Ninotsminda, and Dusheti districts. As a result of the project, students got to know the works of many famous writers. They have mastered the basics of technology use.

The project is continuous in nature and is being actively pursued in both directions.