"LTV" is a regional broadcaster offering informative and entertaining content. As part of its social responsibility strategy in 2023, the company aimed to implement specific projects addressing issues relevant to young people, with the active involvement of young people themselves.

In 2023, "LTV" undertook four civic-educational projects involving young people as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, collectively known as "Schoolfest 2023". These projects aimed to popularize topics among teenagers such as activating creative skills, promoting cognitive thinking, raising awareness about professional orientation, and more.

For this purpose, the company "LTV" participated in the "School-Business Forum" held within the framework of the "USAID Civic Education Program", as a result of which outstanding projects presented by 4 schools were selected. The 82nd school project "ArqiteqTour", the 10th school project "Artery", the 50th school project "Capture a thought film festival" and the 142nd school project "The road to progressive results". In the process of cooperation, 6 programs of television format were prepared together with young people. Also, the film festival "Capture a thought" was held and 7 master classes were held.

A total of over 200 young people actively participated in the implementation of the "Schoolfest 2023" project. Additionally, the prepared programs continue to be broadcast on television. The television's social media platforms were also actively utilized as communication channels, with the materials posted generating significant engagement. According to a survey conducted after the end of the "Schoolfest 2023," teenagers reported the development of analytical thinking, communication and cooperation skills, citizenship thinking, camera work proficiency, logical thinking, time management, and creative skills.

This commitment to supporting the development of young people is not limited to a one-time project; the company plans to continue its efforts as part of its social responsibility agenda. It offers paid internships to young adults and intends to implement similar projects in the future.