
Strengthening the local community and promoting public welfare stands as a significant priority for Tegeta Holding, as outlined in the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. Introduced in 2023, the strategy aims to achieve its set goals through systematic and consistent measures.

One solution to amplify the scale of positive impact involves supporting social enterprises and community organizations. In 2023, the company committed to this objective through a range of approaches, including pro bono services, direct financial support mechanisms, collaborative initiatives, responsible procurement practices, and more.

Tegeta's commitment to societal welfare has been cultivated over many years, but 2023 stood out for its focused efforts on strengthening social enterprises and community organizations. These initiatives included:

  1. Providing pro bono services to the social enterprise "Orbis Bude."
  2. Participation in a pro bono marathon.
  3. Offering pro bono services to participants of the Community Leaders Forum.
  4. Supporting the B2B exhibition featuring social enterprises.
  5. Co-organizing a charity exhibition-sale in collaboration with the social enterprise "Babale."
  6. Launching an information campaign titled "Take Care of the Environment," aimed at fostering environmental consciousness with minimal impact.
  7. Making responsible purchases from the social enterprise "Pott"
  8. Adding four new partner social enterprises to the Tegeta donation platform "Tegeta.care," totaling ten partners in all.

The "Tegeta.care" project has significantly enhanced positive change since its inception. However, the heightened focus in 2023, primarily directed towards agents of change such as social enterprises and public organizations, has rendered Tegeta's care initiatives more consistent and tangible.

Through this project, we provided support to organizations in need of financial resources, pro bono services, promotional assistance, and other forms of support. Currently, the project is in an active phase, with plans to further expand its societal impact from 2024 onwards.

In the upcoming phase, we aim to update the "Tegeta.care" platform to mobilize more financial resources for public organizations and social enterprises. Additionally, we intend to streamline pro bono activities within the holding, ensuring a more systematic approach to our philanthropic endeavors.