TBC Bank

Plastic waste has a particularly harmful effect on the environment. It takes hundreds of years for a plastic item in nature to decompose. During decomposition, plastic releases toxic gases like methane and ethane, which not only harm human health but also contribute to atmospheric, soil, and water pollution.

TBC celebrates World Earth Day on April 22nd every year with a new initiative, In 2023, the focus was on reducing plastic waste and promoting recycling. This decision aimed to encourage the adoption of effective waste management practices while also raising awareness among employees about the importance of environmental conservation.

In the first stage of the project, bins for collecting plastic waste were placed in 21 locations in the head offices and branches of TBC in four cities: Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi, and Kutaisi. In the second stage of the project, we increased the number of head offices and branches. Currently, bins are placed in 46 locations, and the city of Rustavi is fully utilized.

At the very first stage of the project, a video depicting cooperation with the company "Polivim" was prepared, through which the company's employees and customers were informed about the production process of plastic recycling. Throughout the year, brochures, blogs, information sheets were prepared to inform TBC employees and customers, and meetings were held with employees of all 46 branches.

As part of the project, bins designated for plastic waste have been installed in 46 locations, encompassing the head offices and branches of TBC across Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi, and Kutaisi. Among these, Rustavi city has reached full utilization, with a distribution of 54 large and 131 small bins for plastic waste collection across the specified locations. Since the inception of the initiative, a total of 1,410 kilograms of plastic waste have been collected and processed through the collaborative efforts of employees and customers.

Within the framework of the project, the process of collecting plastic waste is still ongoing, and the amount of plastic waste collected and processed in TBC is increasing every month.

For TBC, as a company with high social responsibility, environmental protection is one of the most important direction. TBC's Environmental Management System (EMS) is based on 4 main directions: internal environmental measures, environmental and social risk management during lending, sustainable financing and external communications. This year TBC Bank passed the ISO 14001:2015 audit for the fourth time.