Wimm-Bill-Dan Georgia/PepsiCo Georgia

The "Decarbonization-Sandora Localization Initiative" launched by PepsiCo in August 2023 focuses on reducing the environmental impact and improving the operational efficiency of the Sandora brand in the markets of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. By localizing production, PepsiCo aims to cut down on transportation expenses and streamline logistics, ultimately enhancing market competitiveness and reducing carbon emissions, aligning with PepsoCo’s sustainability objectives and enhancing its corporate social responsibility profile.

The initiative is part of PepsiCo's broader commitment to sustainability, responsible business practices, and driving positive impacts across its operations and communities.

After evaluating potential partners, PepsiCo selected Healthy Water Georgia as the reliable partner for expanding Sandora's production in Georgia. This partnership led to the successful setup and launch of Sandora's production within a year, a record achievement for PepsiCo globally.

The results of the initiative are impressive, with a significant reduction in CO2 emissions by over 750,000 kilograms annually. The project also resulted in reducing transportation costs by more than 1.4 million units annually. Operational efficiency improved with transportation lead times reduced by an average of three days and an 8.4% increase in OTIF performance, reaching an absolute value of 97.8%.

PepsiCo's overall approach to environmental protection is guided by its "PepsiCo Positive" strategy, which focuses on positive agriculture, value chains, and consumer choices. The company aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, become net water positive, and improve packaging sustainability.

The project not only benefits the company by enhancing cost efficiency and market competitiveness but also positively impacts the broader community by improving product availability and reliability.