EFES Georgia JSC "Lomisi”

Since 2008 Efes Georgia is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact through a comprehensive sustainability strategy that includes continuous monitoring of emissions, efficient use of resources, and implementation of eco-friendly practices across all operations. Efes Georgia recognizes the need for sustainable forest management and reforestation, raising awareness about environmental sustainability among employees, consumers, and the broader community.

The company implemented a variety of activities to achieve its sustainability goals: establishing a wastewater treatment plant ahead of regulatory requirements, launching a forestation campaign in partnership with the National Forest Agency, promoting energy efficiency across all processes, including the use of energy-efficient equipment and technologies, reducing plastic usage by redesigning PET packaging and conducting internal and external awareness campaigns about plastic waste, initiating a Sustainable Entrepreneurship Program to support startups with a focus on green solutions and innovations.

Implementing energy-efficient technologies (thermal insulation, sensor lighting, material reuse) has reduced resource consumption and costs, earning an ISO certification for its energy management system.

Initiatives have led to other positive outcomes: a clean and healthy environment in the Natakhtari brewery, regular meetings to certify the compliance with official pollution standards, collection of recyclable plastic waste, maintenance and renewal of 12 hectares of forest territory, achieving awareness reach of 1 million individuals through forestation and food waste campaigns.

Efes Georgia emphasizes the importance of adhering to both legal standards and self-imposed strict environmental guidelines. The company also actively participates in global initiatives like the UN Global Compact and the UNGC CEO Water Mandate, aligning its efforts with international sustainability goals. Through continuous innovation and community involvement, Efes Georgia strives to lead by example in the pursuit of a greener future.