With the purpose of decreasing milk import costs, PepsiCo looked for the possibility of cooperation with local dairy farms. With the evidence of some problems related to the quality of the products, the company decided to launch projects oriented at improving local dairy farms. The project started in 2016 and envisioned holding regular food safety audits at farms while improving their work plans visà-vis the results of the audits and outlining timeframes for the work as well as checking on implementation afterwards.

PepsiCo established a FSSC/GMP/HACCP/DNV certied expert team which worked with suppliers and assisted them in reaching food safety standards which are in line with the company's requirements. Regular trainings were delivered to suppliers. The training results were measured through planned and unplanned audit check-ups.

As a result of the project, food safety standards (FSSC, GMP, HACCP, DNV) were implemented by local milk suppliers with the quality of their products having improved. From 2018, PepsiCo has fully switched over to local suppliers with their full guarantee of high quality production. With the purpose of ensuring stable production, the project will continue to work on the development of the suppliers in the future as well.