TBC Bank

TBC Bank employees who have three or more children become members of the TBC Club for Employees with Large Families. As of today, there are 493 employees in the club. Club members have the opportunity to take part in special events planned for them and make use of various benefits. Every year an award ceremony for club members is organized at TBC Bank where specially made pins are presented to them. The club members are often invited to the events at the opera, the puppet theatre and others. As for monetary benefits, TBC Bank employees having a fourth or fifth child are given GEL 10,000 (a total of GEL 500,000 has been awarded in this category). In case of the birth of a sixth or a seventh child, employees receive GEL 50,000 from the bank (a total of GEL 250,000 has been awarded in this category).
Since August 1, 2018, two new initiatives have come into force for TBC employees with large families: they can take eight days off during a year instead of four. Also, members of the club will receive an additional annual bonus in the form of 10% of their salary.